Saturday, March 21, 2009

Frogspawn Frenzy!

As part of the Greenwave project we have been very busy spotting spring. This as a picture of frogspawn that Lisa and Bláithín found.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Green Fingers

5th Class are getting out their green fingers once again this year and are taking part in the Incredible Edibles project. This year we have planted strawberries, potatoes, cabbages, scallions and lettuce. We are looking forward to a bumper harvest in June!


Once again 5th class are taking part in the Greenwave Project to track Spring and this year we are measuring rainfall with our very own home made rain gauge.


5th Class had great fun exploring electricity. They designed and made lighthouses and a Europe capital city quiz. It was truly an electrifying experience!